Friday 19 June 2009

Oh Him Again?

In my last post I wrote that I'd be starting a formal complaint about TV Licensing's behaviour. I decided to wait a month so that I'd receive a second letter from them: this way they can't excuse themselves by claiming a temporary glitch in their system sent out a spurious letter.

So here it is: the latest letter as TV Licensing resume their briefly interrupted campaign of harassment. Their latest fad seems to be telling the postman I'm a bad boy: so there's threatening language on the envelope as there was last month. It's the same old story: completely missing the point that, as a private company that has no business with me, they are not in a position to require anything from me whatsoever. The lady at the bakery up the road has the same legal powers as they do. Only she's nicer, and I get bread from her.

The only action required I think uses two fingers

Someone's seeing red again - I think it's me

Same old, same old

It comes as a surprise to discover that my 'details are being passed' to their enforcement officers. Hence the title of this blog entry. Those poor enforcement officers must be sick of receiving my details, or 'authorisations' concerning me. Of course, an alternative explanation is that TV Licensing are telling me another one of their lies and this is just another one of their standard threatening letters sent to thousands of addresses in the UK. Given our past history, I can leave you to decide for yourself which is true.

But perhaps the most annoying part of this letter, where they seem to descend to new depths is this: We have sent you letters like this before. However, there is still no TV License at this address. Yes, quite right, they've sent me lots of letters like this. But, no matter how many they send, there will never be a TV License at this address: for the simple reason that I do not need one. I do not watch TV.

So it's time to make a complaint: that topic will be dealt with in the next post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both the letter and the envelope are inscribed with the words "TV Licensing". TV Licensing is in fact a trademark owned by the BBC, and you can see it at:

Putting "The Daleks" or "Top Gear" or "Mr Blobby", which are also BBC trademarks, on the correspondence would carry the same weight of authority.

TV Licensing as a legal entity doesn't exist. These letters are sent out by Capita plc, but since it is only the agent of the BBC the buck stops there.