Saturday, 16 May 2009

The TV Licensing Enforcement Team Is Unexpectedly Delayed

Besides all this, a hundred men in silk gowns stood swaying from side to side and making speeches. These were the lawyers who served at the bar, pleading their causes for as much money as they could get. Never once did they open their mouths out of love for our Lord; indeed you could sooner measure the mist on the Malvern Hills, than get a sound out of them without first producing some cash! William Langland, Piers the Ploughman.

The Malvern Hills have not changed so very much since the fourteenth century, but has our legal system? In the UK we are supposed to be shielded by the Protection from Harassment Act but I fear that this does not seem to apply to mere mortals such as myself. Perhaps it only applies to people who watch TV. I must read through it more carefully.

So how did that visit from the Enforcement Team go?

Oh dear, still no show. Just another letter. The second letter from them in one month.

How TV Licensing Apologised For Their No Show

But now look more closely. Take your time: did you spot it? They have sent the same letter as they did in January. You may now have realised something. What I say will matter and may be held against me. But TV Licensing will put things down in print and you will find that it is just not what is going to happen. Can it really be that TV Licensing have created an automated system for lying to people?

Wikipedia tells us about Lies. What category do these letters appear to come under? My pick would be the first one on the Wiki list:

Fabrication A fabrication is a lie told when someone submits a statement as truth, without knowing for certain whether or not it actually is true. Although the statement may be possible or plausible, it is not based on fact. Rather, it is something made up, or it is a misrepresentation of the truth.

In March I got the same letter again. Perhaps this one's their favourite.

Deja Vu

In my next post I will move forward to April because that's when it really hots up.

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