Friday, 3 July 2009

A Dear John Letter For TV Licensing

Ultimate responsibility for how TV Licensing behave lies with the BBC. You cannot pass the job of collecting money onto another body and turn a blind eye to the way they perform the task. If we go to the BBC Trust's website, we find there the procedure for making a complaint. The first step, they inform us, is to complain directly to TV Licensing. The address to write to is given: it's a familiar one. It's the same address you write to informing TV Licensing that you don't need a TV License. But this is the system required by the BBC Trust and so I will follow it. I will write a letter of complaint to TV Licensing.

Some people can remain calm whatever the provocation. I've never had that ability. I don't cave when I am under pressure, but I can find my anger getting the better of me. I really want to tell TV Licensing the full depth of my contempt, my revulsion, for people like them. So I have to spend days over it, slowly editing out the parts where my feelings have overruled cold logic: trying to replace the emotional bits with something, anything, that might actually give TV Licensing pause for thought.

That'll sort them ....not

The problem is that, knowing they send out hundreds of thousands of letters like those they send me, they must get a lot of letters of complaint back. So they have surely heard it all before; and I am certain they just don't give a damn. The futility of what I am doing simply adds to my anger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"So I have to spend days over it, slowly editing out the parts where my feelings have overruled cold logic:"

I feel your pain.

But my advice would be this.

Don't put too much of your heart and your time into dealing with this one issue - because it will probably not get you anywhere. And if you think that your letters of complaint will have any effect on the BBC; think again.

No-one there will give two hoots for your concerns.

What you need to do is to use your anger to campaign against the BBC in as public a way as possible - and try to persuade as many people as possible that the license fee is not legitimate.