The weekend of the mystery caller was followed just a few days later by a surprise. After all these years of correspondence with TVL a letter of mine seems, finally, to have reached someone with a measurable IQ. As many TVL victims might doubt such an assertion is possible I'd best present the evidence.
There's Life On Mars After All?
I have to say I doubt the sincerity of this letter. I don't think any TVL employee can really be thinking 'oh gosh did we accidentally harass someone?'. I think they know very well that what they do is unacceptable. And I'm pretty sure they will continue to behave in exactly the same way for as long as they are allowed to do so. But the part of the letter that really stops me going further is the bit about their already being in the process of reviewing their current conduct. Not that I think they are going to change in any meaningful way: it's simply that a review is the best I could expect from my complaint anyway.
The line that sums things up is supplied by TVL's letter: This has put a stop to licence enquiry letters, and will prevent any more being sent unnecessarily. There has never been, and there never will be, any necessity for TVL to harass me by sending me their letters. What they are really saying is that at some point in the future, whenever they decide, they will be back.
Just a heads up: part of your address is still visible in the fourth paragraph.
(keep up the good work!)
Thanks for that: I'll fix it immediately.
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