Sunday, 6 September 2009

An Odd Weekend

The weekend following my receipt of the NSA1 was marked by an unusual occurrence: a nuisance caller. This individual (whoever he was) was in the habit of calling me, listening to my answer phone chuntering away, and then not leaving any message. Assuming it was the same person, he made at least three calls because there were three messages (all of them with no actual verbal content) on the phone when I checked. He may have made more calls but these would not have left any evidence if he hadn't waited until the answer phone finished its little speech.

There is an explanation for what happened here. TVL have a problem with addresses such as mine: I live in a prosperous middle-class area with few, if any, TV License evaders. The people working for TVL do not want to spend their time in my neighbourhood: it simply doesn't pay for them to do so. And if you'd like to understand why, then I suggest you look at this job advert. According to the list of fees the TVL agent receives, he's wasting his time visiting me.

So I think that when the TVL man gets pressured by the management to leave his usual stalking grounds among the badly-educated,vulnerable households in the poorer parts of the nearest major town, he makes sure he isn't going to find himself outside an empty house. In any civilised society you make an appointment, but with TVL they don't care to do that in case their target Eats the Telly or whatever. An anonymous phone call can be used to determine whether the householder is at home before the TVL man makes his move.

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