Sunday, 17 May 2009

My Address Is Investigated And I Join In The Letter Posting Fun

I went to a series of meetings in Whitehall once. In the middle were the men from the ministry. My team were the good team. The Taxpayer had bought some equipment and it didn't work very well. Sitting opposite us were the team from the other side. They had explanations. It wasn't their fault. At one point they even said it was me that broke it. But we had the logs. They couldn't explain how I broke it while I was hundreds of miles away, on the plane going up to Glasgow. I'd like to tell you more, but there's this thing called the Official Secrets Act, and I signed that when I was 21. Maybe I just broke the law by telling you that. Its a long time ago now, and I really don't remember where the boundaries are.

TV Licensing have meetings. They must have. The bosses can't just allow their underlings to run riot. They have to direct what is going on. My point is that I have been in meetings with what I consider to be bad people. I think I know how they operate.

So let's see what fun TV licensing put me through in May 2007. Did that action get beyond impending and actually occur? Apparently not. It seems that a mere investigation is not enough. But May did turn out to be a busy month

I Keep My 2998908642th Place

Is there a difference between an investigation and a full investigation? Or is this merely another form letter that's been sent out to thousands of households? It seems that no matter what I do TV Licensing will keep sending me these letters threatening me with a visit, and then not show up.

It is good to see that my unlicensed property number has remainded stable (its in the reference at top right) for this month. So Michelle is not the inconstant flirt I was beginning to think she was. But I'm not playing any more: if I withdraw their presumed right of access to my property perhaps I can nudge them out of form letter mode and into genuine action. And as I'm writing to them anyway, I'll inform them about my circumstances.

So here's my letter to them

It's not a well written letter. Much of it is simply cut and pasted from other people's that you can find on the internet. But it makes things pretty clear: shut up or come round with a warrant.

They respond and it looks like they at least recognise that the law applies to them too!

TV Licensing Know The Law

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